We often get the question “How do we maintain PVC joinery?” That is why, today, we meet our readers with some practical solutions for maintaining PVC joinery.
How can we do this? What kind of products can we use and especially what is the way we can extend the life of PVC windows or PVC doors, find out what follows.
In order to be able to enjoy an optimal, long-lasting use, both from a technical and aesthetic point of view, PVC windows and doors need a minimum of periodic maintenance, so that you do not have to invest in this again. chapter.
If your home benefits from PVC joinery, find out that this, unlike aluminum or wooden joinery, requires a minimum of maintenance effort. Here are our recommendations regarding their maintenance.
What do we clean the PVC joinery profile with?
The double-glazed windows, like other exterior objects of the construction of your home, are subject to interference, dirt, and implicit wear, so regular maintenance in order to increase their life, as we just do not invest every day in carpentry, it is more than necessary. But don’t worry, you will see that maintenance is much easier than you imagine.
As I told you earlier, cleaning double-glazed windows is extremely simple. But … let’s start with the beginning. If you are in the situation where you have recently installed your PVC joinery, a first step that you must take urgently is to remove the protective foil within a maximum of one month from the installation. The cold or heat prevents it from peeling off in optimal conditions, there is a risk that the profile of the windows or doors will remain with traces of glue. In any case, do not try to remove it by scraping or I know what abrasives, you will only destroy the profile. In addition, after installing the PVC joinery you will have to repair the window sills, so we recommend that you insulate well both the profile and the glass of the double-glazed windows with protective foils. The mortar on the carpentry is very difficult to clean in most situations without being exempt from visible traces.
The PVC profile is cleaned with soap and water, or dishwashing detergent, using soft cloths, with movements from top to bottom, in no case circular. Abrasives, thinners or chlorine-containing solutions are not recommended. These will “help” to irreparably damage the profile, to scratch it and will lead to yellowing over time. In addition, avoid using dry cloths as much as possible, you will only attract more dust by electrification. It’s very simple.
Therefore, cleaning the PVC profile is no longer done with wet cloths, using warm water and soap!
What do we clean the glass of PVC joinery with?
PVC joinery glass is not as “sensitive” as the other components of a double glazed window. That is why its maintenance is extremely easy. You can use a special solution for the bottle, but with the recommendation that it contains as little alcohol as possible. Yes, we know that alcohol cleans the bottle well, but you will only attract more dust. If you are in a situation where your home has recently undergone renovations and the windows are dirtier than usual, we recommend that you do not try to scrape or remove dirt using sharp objects or wire sponges, you will only scratch irreparably glass. All you have to do is spray the substance intended to wipe the glass and let it act more on the glass, then remove it with a cloth in circular motions, so as not to leave traces.
How do we clean and maintain PVC joinery gaskets?
- PVC joinery gaskets play a very important role in terms of sealing, whether thermal or acoustic. And their optimal maintenance will extend the life of PVC joinery.
- PVC joinery gaskets, as in the case of PVC profiles, are cleaned with a damp cloth, with soap and water, avoiding as much as possible the contact with special substances, such as those for glass, for example. Moreover, due to interference, heat, cold, rain, they can be damaged, and to prevent this irreversible phenomenon, the gaskets can be maintained with glycerin. If they can no longer be saved, they can be easily replaced with new ones.
How can you see that PVC joinery gaskets need to be replaced? If it no longer provides the same sound and heat seal, if it condenses or in more severe cases, if you notice that water seeps inside, use them to replace it.
How do we maintain PVC joinery hardware?
The proper functioning of the PVC joinery hardware must be ensured periodically. How do we do this? With a minimum of effort and a few recommendations
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